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The 12-Step Buddhist Podcast

Dec 31, 2022

We can pretend that we're not angry, but it will make us feel less in control. How does anger affect us in our recovery? We're told in 12-Step meetings that anger is a dubious luxury for "normal" people. Yet it continues to arise and cause problems no matter how long we're sober. How can we deal with the root our anger...

Dec 24, 2022

What is the best thing that we can gift each other? Our mindful, compassionate presence. We discuss the mahayana *(greater) path of dharma, as it applies to recovery from addictions, at any stage. To overcome the root of our addiction, we utilize brain science, trauma psychology and Buddhist practice. In this episode,...

Dec 18, 2022

Being present with loss and grief. while loss is universal, the experience of grief is individual. it cannot be compared to previous experiences, or those of other people. once we own our own process, grief and loss become part of the path. easier said than done, but this is the path of bodhisattvas, yogis and Buddhists...

Dec 10, 2022

celebrating 25 years of sobriety

how the past influences our perception and therefore experience of this infamous now. the holy now. the nowness of now. but is what we think is the now really the present moment, or a pervasive, consistent layer of trauma from the past?

Continuing w the 37 Practices of a...

Dec 4, 2022

So called insight meditation practices are perhaps the most widely diffused in the west, in terms of what people think of as buddhism. today we'll expand our view and understand something of value when it comes to the nature and meaning of the next level of dharma teaching as it pertains to concentration, insight into...