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The 12-Step Buddhist Podcast

Sep 23, 2008

Episode 003 - the 12-Step Buddhist Podcast: My best thinking got me here? Longchenpa, emptiness and the third step.

Format: 160kbps MP3 Time: 33:40



  • Analytical Meditation: Longchenpa, The Way of Abiding, Emptiness and Step Three.
  • Thanks to jazz pianist Clay Giberson for the show intro
  • Finding a spiritual teacher
  • Avoiding fundamentalists and fundamentalism.
  • Website features: Stats, new features, Web 3.0 tools
  • Ask the 12-Step Buddhist - audience question: How do I become a (12-Step) Buddhist?
  • Win a T-Shirt - the best question by October 1st wins a free 12-Step Buddhist T-Shirt
  • Coming Soon - Book reviews, retreats and more.